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Annual Report 2024
Revolutionizing Pest Control: RNA-Based Pesticides
RNA-based pesticides use double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) to block essential pest functions without affecting other organisms. When applied to plants, they prevent pests from producing critical proteins, stopping them in a targeted manner.
Drift, calibration, nozzles, formulations, mixtures, and labels are the topics covered in this special series of seven articles, providing key information for the safe and responsible application of pesticides or crop protection products.
What you need to know about equipment calibration
The calibration of sprayer equipment is a necessary procedure to ensure efficient applications and guarantee proper functioning, spray uniformity, and coverage quality. It includes adjustments, cleaning, repairs, and verification of parameters against the manufacturer's specifications.
What you need to know about product formulations for crop protection, phytosanitary products, or pesticides
The components or active ingredients of agrochemicals are highly concentrated in their pure form, which can increase their toxicity and pose risks during handling.
What you need to know about the application of phytosanitary products and drift
Drift is the movement of pesticides away from the target, caused by wind or weather conditions. It can be external or internal and is influenced by product properties, climate, and application technology, representing a significant environmental and operational challenge. Learn how to prevent it.
What you need to know about spray nozzles or tips
What are the different types of nozzles and their applications? How are calibration and maintenance practices carried out to achieve efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize environmental impact during applications? Additionally, how important is it to properly select and calibrate agricultural spray nozzles or tips for pest and weed control using plant protection products?
What you need to know about a quality application of Crop Protection products
The application of plant protection products involves placing the product on a specific target (soil, plants, or crops) at determined doses. Among the alternatives, fumigation stands out as a method that uses gases to disinfect soils and protect stored grains.