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Without healthy soils, food safety is at risk
The soil is a non-renewable resource; it provides 95% of food. We need to increase agricultural production by at least 50% by 2050 when we will be 9,100 million people. How can we achieve it if we do not protect the soil? Asks José Perdomo, President of CropLife Latin America, who calls farmers to take care of their soil and change cultural practices such as excess tillage, overuse of inputs and burning. International Soil Day 2019.
Editing Plant Genomes
Genome editing in plants is achieved thanks to precision biotechnology and it aims to be a milestone in modern agriculture.
Consumers must overcome the fear of science and technology applied in agriculture
A call to consumers to trust the controls, studies, legislation, science and the agricultural practices that make it possible to bring sufficient and quality food to the tables, was a repeated mention of the speakers at the International Forum - Innovation for the Sustainability of Agriculture, held in Brasilia on June 27
Definition and consequences of illegal trade in pesticides
A global problem arises, which is the illegal trade in pesticides, in which products are presented in the market, which contravene the countries' legislations and guidelines proposed by global organizations that ensure environmental health and safety. All the socioeconomic activity arising from transactions of purchase and sale of goods and products that come from plagiarism, smuggling, or even stolen goods, are considered illegal.
Integrated Pest Management: Focus on production responsibility
Integrated management is a pest control approach that seeks to harmonize efficiency in protection and socio-environmental responsibility measures and in productivity. There are many ways to define it, but all focus on the use of control tools that seek to minimize the losses of a crop through the producers' scientific knowledge, technological support and common sense.
I do read the labels and safety sheets of the pesticides or phytosanitary
Labels and safety sheets of plant protection products inform us about the responsible usage of the product, the care and precautions that we must have when handling, applying, storing or transporting them.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the application of agrochemicals
To achieve a successful production, a series of factors must be met, ranging from soil preparation, seed quality, agrochemical application, crop management and harvesting.
Join the campaign against the illegal trade of pesticides
Illegal pesticides threaten development, destroy crops and generate economic losses. CropLife Latin America, along with its network of national associations in Latin America, works with authorities, companies and farmers to make visible this issue and fight it in every country. These are some of the actions against illegal trade during 2018.