CropLife Latin America

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March 2024
By: Patricia Villarreal,
Executive Director of the National Association of Manufacturers and Importers of Agricultural Pesticides A.G.
AFIPA Chile.


2024 was a key year for the Sustainable Agriculture in Action project in Chile, in English, Sustainable Pesticide Management Framework (SMPF) At AFIPA Chile, we have worked intensively to promote a risk management-based approach in pesticide evaluation, train thousands of farmers in Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), and demonstrate the feasibility of various sustainable techniques for smallholder family farming. These efforts included the implementation of a pilot orchard, with the goal of making these techniques replicable and scalable.

huertos chile

Strengthening the Risk Assessment System

One of our main objectives has been to position the Risk Assessment System among both public and private organizations. Throughout the year, we held numerous meetings with authorities, regulators, and key agricultural stakeholders to strengthen the understanding and adoption of this system.

Additionally, we organized seminars and training sessions to enhance knowledge on how risk-based assessment differs from a hazard-based approach. We also facilitated contact with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to learn more about their risk assessment and mitigation model, enriching the discussion in Chile.

Another major achievement has been our work in promoting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and GAPs.

  • Through virtual seminars, workshops, and in-person activities, we trained over 5,000 small and medium-sized farmers, industry professionals, advisors, and agricultural students.
  • These efforts have been critical in strengthening the adoption of sustainable practices in the field, improving productivity, and reducing environmental risks.

The Pilot Orchard Project: A Model for Sustainable Practices

One of the most significant initiatives this year was the establishment of a pilot orchard in Coltauco, O’Higgins Region. In collaboration with a team of AFIPA professionals and seven industry partners, we supported Cristián Osorio, a cherry producer, in the challenge of increasing his production while meeting strict GAP export protocols.

On a one-hectare plot, we:

  • Conducted an initial assessment of the farm.
  • Provided intensive training in IPM, equipment calibration, personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, and other GAPs.
  • Installed monitoring traps, floral borders, and a crop protection program that combined chemical and biological products.

The results? A 75% increase in cherry production compared to the previous year, proving that these techniques are both viable and effective.

To further strengthen these efforts, we signed a collaboration agreement with the Institute for Agricultural Development (INDAP), allowing us to transfer knowledge on sustainable management to farmers and advisors within the organization.

Looking Ahead

2024 was a year of learning and achievements in our commitment to agricultural sustainability. We will continue working to strengthen these initiatives and build a more efficient, safer, and environmentally responsible agricultural sector.

We are convinced that a transition toward more sustainable production is possible. With the combined efforts of farmers, advisors, and both public and private institutions, we can continue harvesting success in the years to come.

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SPMF Photo gallery
