CropLife Latin America

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CuidAgro LogoThe objective of this Program which started 18 years ago in Latin America is to promote the responsible use of products for protecting crops jointly with authorities, distributors, business people, transporters, warehouse owners and farmers.

CuidAgroSM* responds to the Crop Science Industry´s commitment to protecting the health of farmers and their personnel that has to manipulate the pesticides and is part of the productive agricultural chain. Likewise, it is a program whose objective is to comply with the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Utilization of Pesticides, elaborated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO.

It’s actively supported by the Ministries of Health, Education, and Agriculture, universities, non-governmental organizations, Mayors’ Offices or municipalities, agricultural trade organizations and cooperation agencies like EPA, AID, IFAD, IICA and OPS.

CuidAgroSM* has been responsible for messages on integrated pest management (IPM) and for all the prevention measures that are needed to utilize pesticides. These messages and measures have been disseminated to more than 9 million farmers, distributors and rural residents of Latin America over the last 18 years.

In 2023, through the CuidAgroSM and CampoLimpioSM programs, 702,140 people were trained in Latin America, contributing to several Sustainable Development Goals related to human health (SDG 3) and biodiversity protection (SDG 15).

*CuidAgroSM is a registered trademark of CropLife Latin America. SM: Service Mark

Comparative Chart of Trained People 2022 - 2023



Shared Responsibility 


One of the key aspects of this program is the participation of stakeholders such as people and institutions involved in the agrochemical management process. This effort respond to FAO's International Code of Conduct on Distribution and Utilization of Pesticides. The Code's main objectives are:

  • To establish voluntary norms of conduct for all the public and private entities which intervene in the distribution and utilization of pesticides.
  • To describe the responsibility that may be assigned to the different sectors of society for the adequate use of pesticides.
  • To promote practices for an efficient management of the phytosanitary products.

Responsibility of Producers or Manufacturers:

  • To ensure the quality of their products.
  • To provide scientific the scientific information for risk evaluation.
  • To minimize the risk using all the available tools for risk management and conduct research to develop products with less toxicity and environmental impact.
  • To cooperate with sustainable agricultural production that protects health and the environment through the responsible management of the phytosanitary products.
  • To give priority to training at all levels in order to promote an adequate manipulation and an efficient use of the products.

In order to comply with this mandate, a Free Virtual Course was designed. Using four modules, it teaches the Code principles. The CuidAgroSM and CampoLimpioSM programs are carried out in 18 countries of the region.

Participate and obtain your certificate:

Consult the directory of National Associations and participate in your country’s training program.

Go to Associations.

Virtual Course Platform

Through the online course platform, eight free courses are offered in Spanish, five of them in Portuguese, and four in English, aimed at improving the understanding of the responsible and ethical use of phytosanitary products to maximize their benefits, reduce risks and promote sustainable agriculture.

The courses are aimed at regulatory authorities, distributors, farmers, technicians, agronomists, personnel of companies in the agrochemical industry, students and, in general, people involved in the agricultural chain.

Online Courses

CuidAgroSM promotes good agricultural practices, through education in the responsible use of pesticides, the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment, PPE and the Integrated Pest Management, IPM.

Posters and Infographics on Good Agricultural Practices, GAPs

Download, print, and share these resources to educate on Good Agricultural Practices, GAPs

Watch these videos on Good Agricultural Practices, GAPs

Recommended Articles on Good Agricultural Practices, GAPs: