CropLife Latin America

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Farmers and beekeepers: a perfect marriage?  

Mutual cooperation between farmers and beekeepers, the responsible use of pesticides, and good beekeeping practices are key conditions to protect pollinators. However, communication between both sectors is non-existent in many areas, and knowledge about pollination and its benefits is scarce for many farmers in the region. 

Farmers Beekeepers


In order to create a more productive relationship between these activities and to improve beekeeping and agricultural practices, we participated in building a common agenda with authorities, academia, farmers and beekeepers in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Mexico. 


Apicultura y Agricultura

Mexico: Together for the health of pollinators 


PROCCyT held the discussion Together for the health of pollinators; the participants were authorities, academia and experts in agriculture and beekeeping. At the meeting, the multifactorial causes that can affect the health of bees such as climate change, diseases caused by the Varroa mite, and poor beekeeping and agricultural practices were ratified. This is one of the conclusions of a study conducted by the Autonomous University of Mexico. 


Apicultura y Agricultura

Colombia: Farmers and Beekeepers are made aware with andragogy 

When we gather farmers and beekeepers from the same region, the vast majority only meet each other once they arrive at the conference, where they discover that they are neighbors, says María Helena Latorre, Director of Procultivos - ANDI, referring to the educational days held in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Colombian Agricultural Institute, ICA. In 2018, 900 beekeepers and farmers were trained using the adult education methodology “Andragogy”. 


Apicultura y Agricultura

Ecuador: Guild’s Risk Prevention plan for Bee Health 


InnovAgro, in collaboration with Agrocalidad and the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture and Health, is working on a public-private collaboration plan to promote better beekeeping and agricultural practices. With the support of Procultivos, Colombia, InnovAgro adopted andragogy for its workshops, and trained 547 farmers, beekeepers and technicians of the sector. 


Apicultura y Agricultura

Chile: Recommendations to protect pollinators through the responsible use of crop protection products 

More than 20,000 beekeepers and farmers have been trained by AFIPA over the past 3 years. The recommendations that seek greater protection for pollinators have also been promoted in digital media and in sectoral events with authorities, academia, farmers and beekeepers. 


Apicultura y Agricultura

Brazil: A more productive relationship between beekeeping and agriculture 

Colmeia Viva (Live hive) is the project that the industry has been conducting since 2014 under the leadership of Sindiveg to create a more productive relationship between beekeepers and farmers. Colmeia Viva promotes the responsible use of crop protection products and the importance of protecting pollinators through a digital application (APP), regional meetings, studies and training sessions. 


Apicultura y Agricultura

Venezuela: Efficient management of crop protection products and care of Pollinators 

Afaquima held 6 workshops in fruit and vegetable production areas, which counted with the participation of farmers, beekeepers and the National Institute of Agricultural Health, INSAI. The attendees stressed the importance of pollination in these crops and the need to implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plans to control the vector Diaphorina citri that transmits the Yellow Dragon disease or HLB affecting citrus-growing areas of the country.