In the event, a dialogue was generated on the role of agro-technologies in food security, the need for legislation that allows access to state-of-the-art crop protection products, and about the science behind the evaluation, monitoring and control systems of pesticides used in crops.
We share some of the considerations raised by the speakers:
Trust in controls, in legislation, in science, in technological advances and in agricultural practices is key to moving towards sustainable agriculture.
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170 people among academics, political sectors, press and industry attended the forum that was broadcast live. 5,400 people were connected online. The conclusions of the event were promoted in social media during the second half of 2019.
We were present in different regulatory, technical and scientific stages. Through these we promoted the importance of innovation in agriculture, the scientific support behind agro-technologies, due process and science-based regulations, and Good Agricultural Practices to move towards a more sustainable agriculture.
Through this regional presence, CropLife Latin America and its National Associations’ Network were able to train on and make visible the Industry’s commitment with the promotion of Good Agricultural Practices GAPs, science, and access to technology. The joint efforts – regional and national – allowed us to open up spaces of dialogue and education on important issues for Latin American agriculture.
Reflections, dialogue and active participation define the work environment that took place in the 2019 Annual Convention. The work agenda included priority issues for the Crop Protection Industry such as global market trends, rapid adoption of biological control products, the basic concepts of gene editing and Good Agricultural Practices.
The Annual Convention is one of the best tools to strengthen the team, share experiences, expand the contact network and acquire new knowledge. It is the only annual event that brings together presidents, directors and teams of the National Associations and the Board and the team of CropLife Latin America. We share some of the moments lived in Antigua, Guatemala.